To Stimulate
Business Growth And
Profits through:
Financial Analysis

About Us

Your Profit Authority works with small businesses to create or increase cash flow and profit.  We rejuvenate the financials through restructuring and reducing or eliminating debt.  Once the business is stabilized, we optimize it to perform at or above its industry’s standards.  Next we determine the desired lifestyle of the owner, and then structure the business to perform at the appropriate level and volume to produce and support that lifestyle.  The final step as a licensed commercial loan originator and business broker, is to aid in the organic growth of the business while using acquisitions through our Buyer’s Club for rapid growth.

A large part of business success centers around the owner’s understanding and utilization of what the financial numbers of the business are actually telling them.  To accomplish this we designed 3 MAP plans, (Monthly Analytics Program) so that any size company could take advantage of one of them.  Each month the financials are torn apart and reassembled in such a way, that the information provides a new value to assist the owner in making intelligent business decisions.

In summary we:

  • Stabilize
  • Optimize Performance
  • Provide Appropriate Financing
  • Align with Owner’s Goals
  • Grow Through Acquisitions